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Beesley Balance
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The count of yarn is defined as a number indicating its weight age.  In direct system, the count is the weight of a unit length of yarn for example - TEX is number of grams in one kilometer length of yarn, DENINER is number of grams in 9000 meters of Yarn. In INDIRECT System, the count is the number of units of fixed length of yarn which makes a fixed weight for example COTTON is number of hanks of yarn in a pound. METRIC is number of kilometers of yarn in one Kilogram.


Irrespective of the system of count, two basic requirements for determining count are :

  1. An accurate determination of sample length ; and
  2. An accurate determination of its weight.


The method of determination of count depends to a large extent on the form in which the yarn is available for testing. When a yarn is in the form of a Bobbin, a known sample length can be taken by forming a skein on a WRAP REEL and suspending it on the hook of QUADRANT BALANCE.  The count is then read directly from the Quadrant Scale.  When warp and weft count of yarn, taken from a small piece of fabric is required, it is cut into small lengths with a template and the total number of yarn lengths which are required to balance a standard weight on the beam directly gives the count of the yarn.  This measurement is carried out with the help of a Beasley Balance.

The Textile Technocrats™ Beasley Balance consists of a light weight beam pivoted on jewel bearings with a hook at one end and a pointer at the other.  The beam is initially leveled to bring the pointer against a Datum line.  A standard weight is suspended in a notch on the beam arm on the pointer side.  A template is used to cut short lengths of yarn, the length depending upon the count system required.  These length are placed on the hook until the pointer comes against the Datum line.  The number of short lengths required to balance the beam gives the count of the yarn.


A template is provided to give lengths of yarn in METRIC COTTON, LINEAN, WOOLSKEIN and WORSTED counts.  The balance is housed in a beautiful painted metal case having sliding transparent acrylic doors.

Related Standard ASTM D2260 - 96 ASTM D3776, ISO 7211, BS 2865 

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